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27-Jul-2023 ~ 2 min read


In Django, serving static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images is a critical aspect of building web applications. Two important settings, STATIC_ROOT and STATICFILES_DIRS, play crucial roles in managing static files. However, they serve different purposes in a Django project. In this article, we will explore the difference between STATIC_ROOT and STATICFILES_DIRS and how to use them effectively to handle static files in your Django application.

Table of Contents


STATIC_ROOT is useless during development, it’s only required for deployment.

While in development, STATIC_ROOT does nothing. You don’t even need to set it. Django looks for static files inside each app’s directory myProject/appName/static and serves them automatically.

This is the magic done by runserver when DEBUG=True.


When your project goes live, things differ. Most likely, you will serve dynamic content using Django and static files will be served by Nginx. Why? Because Nginx is incredibly efficient and will reduce the workload off Django.

This is where STATIC_ROOT becomes handy, as Nginx doesn’t know anything about your Django project and doesn’t know where to find static files.

So you set STATIC_ROOT = '/some/folder/' and tell Nginx to look for static files in /some/folder/. Then you run collectstatic and Django will copy static files from all the apps you have to /some/folder/.

Extra directories for static files

STATICFILES_DIRS is used to include additional directories for collectstatic to look for. For example, by default, Django doesn’t recognize /myProject/static/. So you can include it yourself.


STATIC_URL = '/static/'

if not DEBUG:
   STATIC_ROOT = '/home/django/www-data/'

   os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/'),