Table of contents
6. The universal workflow of machine learning
This chapter covers:
- Steps for framing a machine learning problem.
- Steps for developing a working model.
- Steps for deploying your model in production and maintaining.
Our previous examples have assumed that we already had a labeled dataset to start from, and that we could immediately start training a model. In the real world, this is often not the case. You don’t start from a dataset, you start from a problem.
Imagine that you are starting you own machine learning consulting shop. You incorporate, you put up a fancy website, you notify your work. The projects start rolling in:
- A personalized photo search engine for a picture-sharing social network - type in “wedding” and retrieve all the pictures you took at weddings, without any manual tagging needed.
- Flaggin spam and offensive text content among the posts of a budding chat app.
- Building a music recommendation system for users of an online radio.
- Detecting credit card fraud for an e-commerce website.
- Predicting display ad click-through rate to decide which ad to serve to a given user at a given time.
- Flagging anomalous cookies on the conveyor belt of a cookie-manufacturing line.
- Using satellite images to prredict the location of as-yet unknown archaeological sites.
It would be very convenient if you could import the correct dataset from keras.datasets
and start fitting some deep learning models. Unfortunately, in the real world you will have to start from the scratch.
In this chapter, you will learn abou ta universal step-by-step blueprint that you can use to approach and solve any machine learning problem, like those in the previous list. This template will bring together and consolidate everything you’ve learned in chapters 4 and 5, and it will give you a wider context that should anchor what you will learn in the next chapters.
The universal workflow of machine learning is broadly structured in three parts:
Define the task: Understand the problem domain and business logic underlying what the customer asked for. Collect a dataset, understand what the data represents, and choose how you will measure success on the task.
Develop a model: Prepare your data so that it can be processed by a machine learning model, select a model evaluation protocol and simple baseline to beat, train a first model that has generalization power and that can overfit, and then regularize and tune your model until you achieve the best possible generalization performance.
Deploy the model: Present you work to stakeholders, ship the model to a web server, a mobile app, or a web page, or an embedded device, monitor the model’s performance in the wild, and start collecting the data you will need to build the next-generation model.
Let’s dive in.
6.1 Define the task
You can’t do good work without a deep understanding of the context of what you are doing. Why is your customer trying to solve this particular problem? What value will they derive from the solution - how till your model be used, and how will it fit into your customer’s business processes? What kind of data is available, or could be collected? What kind of machine learning task can be mapped to the business problem?
6.1.1 Frame the problem
Framing a machine learning problem usually involves many detailed discussions with stakeholders. Here are the questions that should be on top of your mind:
What will your input data be? What are you trying to predict? You can only learn to predict something if you have training data available: for example, you can only learn to classify the sentiment of movie reviews if you have both movie reviews and sentiment annotations available. As such, data availability is usually the limiting factor at this stage. In many cases, you have to resort to collecting and annotating new datasets yourself (which we will cover in the next section).
What type of machine learning task you are facing? Is it binary classification? Multiclass classification? Scalar regression? Vector regression? Multiclass, multilabel classification? Image segmentation? Ranking? Something else, like clustering, generation, or reinforcement learning? In some cases, it may be that machine learning isn’t even the best way to make sense of the data, and you should use something else, such as plain old-school statistical analysis.
The photo search engine project is multiclass, multilabel classification task.
The spam detection project is binary classification task. If you set “offensive content” as a separate class, then it’s a three-way classification task.
The music recommendation engine turns out to be better handled not via deep learning by via matrix factorization (collaborative filtering).
The credit card fraud detection project is a binary classification task.
The click through rate prediction project is a scalar regression task.
Anomalous cookie detection is a binary classification task, but it will also require an object detection model as a first stage in order to correctly crop out the cookies in raw images. Note that the set of machine learning techniques known as “anomaly detection” would not be a goot fit in this setting!
The project for finding new archeological sites from satellite images is an image-similarity ranking task: you need to retrieve new images that look most like known archeological sites.
What do existing solutions look like? Perhaps your customer already has a handcrafted algorithm that handles spam filtering or credit card fraud detection, with lots of nested
statements. Perhaps a human is currently in charge of manually handling the process under consideration - monitoring the conveyor belt at the cookie plant and manually removing the bad cookies, or crafting playlists of song recommendations to be sent out to users who liked a specific artist. You should make sure you understand what systems are already in place and how they work. -
Are there particular constraints you will need to deal with? For example, you could find out that the app for which you are building a spam detection system is strictly end-to-end encrypted, so that the spam detection model will have to live on the end user’s phone and must be trained on an external dataset. Perhaps the cookie-filtering model has such latency constraints that it will lead to run on an embedded device at the factory rather than on a remote server. You should understand the full context in which your work will fit.
Once you’ve done your research, you should know what your inputs will be, what your targets will be, and what broad type of machine learning task the problem maps to. Be aware of the hypotheses you are making at this stage:
- You hypothesize that your targets can be predicted given your inputs.
- You hypothesize that the data that’s available (or that you will soon collect) is sufficiently informative to learn the relationship between inputs and targets.
Until you have a working model, these are merely hypotheses, waiting to be validated or invalidated. Not all problems can be solved with machine learning, and not all problems that can be solved with machine learning; just because you have assembled examples of inputs X and targets Y doesn’t mean X contains enough information to predict Y. For instance, if you are trying to predict the movement of stocks on the stock market given its recent price history, you are unlikely to succeed, because price history doesn’t contain much predictive information.
6.1.2 Collect a dataset
Once you understand the nature of task and you know what your inputs and targets are going to be, it’s time for data collection - the most arduous, time-consuming and costly part of most machine learning projects.
The photo search engine project requires you to first select the set of labels you want to classify - you settle on 10,000 common image categories. Then you need to manually tag hunderds of thousands of your past user-uploaded images with labels from these set.
For the chat app’s spam detection project, because user chats are end-to-end encrypted, you cannot user their contents for training a model. You need to gain access to a separate dataset of tens of thousands of unfiltered social media posts, and manually tagging them as spam, offensive, or acceptable.
For the music recommendation engine, you can just use the “likes” of your users. No new data needs to be collected. Likewise for the click-through rate prediction project, you have an extensive record of click-through rate for your past ads, going back years.
For the cookie-flagging model, you will need to install cameras above the conveyor belts to collect tens of thousands of images, and then someone will need to manually label these images. The people who know how to do this currently work at the cookie factory, but it doesn’t seem too difficult. You should be able to train people to do it.
The satellite imagery project will require a team of archeologists to collect a database of existing sites of interest, and for each site you will need to find existing satellite images taken in different weather conditions. To get a good model, you are going to need thousand of different sites.
You learned in chapter 5 htat a model’s ability to generalize comes entirely from the properties of the data it is trained on - the number of data points you have, the reliability of your labels, the quality of your features. A good dataset is an asset worthy of care and investment. If you get an extra 50 hours to spend on a project, chances are that the most effective way to allocate them is to collect more data rather than search for incremental modeling improvements.
The point that data matters more than algorithms was most famously made in a 2009 paper by Google researchers titled “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data” ( the till is a rigg on well-known 1960 article “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” by physicist Eugene Wigner). This was before deep learning was popular, but, remarkable, the rise of deep learning has only made the importance of data greater.
If you are doing supervised learning, then once you have collected inputs (such as images) you are going to need annotations for them (such as tags for those images) - the targets you will train your model to predict. Sometimes, annotations can be retrieved automatically, such as those for the music recommendation task or the click-through-rate prediction task. But often you have to annotate your data by hand. This is labor-heavy process.
Your data annotation process will determine the quality of your targets, which in turn determine the quality of your model. Carefully consider the options you have available:
- Should you annotate the data yourself?
- Should you use a crowdsourcing platform like Amazon Mechanical Turk to collect labels?
- Should you use the services of a specialized data-labeling company?
Outsourcing can potentially save you time and money, but it takes away control. Using something like Mechanical Turk is likely to be inexpensive and to scale well, but your annotations may end up being quite noisy.
To pick the best option, consider the constraints you are working with:
- Do the data labelers need to subject matter experts, or could anyone annotate the data? The labels for cat-versus-dog image classification problem can be selected by anyone, but those for dog breed classification task require specialized knowledge. Meanwhile, annotating CT scans of bone fractures pretty much requires a medical degree.
- If annotating the data requires specialized knowledge, can you train people to do it? If not, how can you get access to the relevant experts?
- Do you, yourself, understand the way experts come up with the annotations? If you don’t, you will have to treat your dataset as a black box, and you wouldn’t be able to perform a manual feature engineering - this isn’t critical, but it can be limiting.
If you decide to label you data in-house, ask yourself what software you will use to record annotations. You may well need to develop that software yourself. Productive data annotation software will save you a lot of time, so it’s worth investing in it early in the project.
Machine learning models can only make sense of inputs that are similar to what they have seen before. As such, it’s critical that the data used for training should be representative of the production data. This concern should be the foundation of all your data collection work.
Suppose, you are developing an app where users can take pictures of a plate of food to find out the name of the dish. You train a model using pictures from an image-sharing social network that’s popular with foodies. Come deployment time, feedback from angry users starts rolling in: you app gets the answer wrong 8 times out of 10. What’s going on? You accuracy on the test set was well over 90%! A quick look at user-uploaded data reveals that mobile picture uploads of random dishes from random restaurants taken with random smartphones look nothing like the professional-quality, well-lit, appetizing pictures you trained the model on: your training data was not representative of the production data. That’s a cardinal sin - welcome to machine learning hell.
If possible, collect data directly from the environment where your model will be used. A movie review sentiment classification model should be used on new IMDB reviews, not on Yelp restaurant reviews, nor on Twitter status updates. If you want to rate the sentiment of a tweet, start by collecting and annotating actual tweets from a similar set of users as those you are expecting in production. If it’s not possible to train on production data, then make sure you fully understand how your training and production data differ, and that you are actively correcting for those differences.
A related phenomenon you should be aware of is concept drift. You will encounter concept drift in almost all real world problems, especially those that deal with user-generated data. Concept drift occurs when the properties of the production data change over time causing model accuracy to gradually decay. A music recommendation engine trained in the year 2013 may not be very effective today. Likewise, the IMDB dataset you worked with was collected in 2011, and a model trained on it would likely not perform as well on reviews from 2020 compared to reviews from 2012, as vocabulary, expressiona and movie genres evolve over time. Concept drift is particularly acute in adversarial contexts like credit card fraud detection, where fraud patterns change practically every day. Dealing with fast concept drift requires constant data collection, annotation, and model retraining.
Keep in mind that mchine learning can only be used to memorize patterns that are present in your training data. You can only recognize what you’ve seen before. Using macine learning trained on past data to predict the future is making the assumption that the future will behave like past. That often isn’t the case.
6.1.3 Understand your data
It’s pretty bad experience to treat a dataset as a black box. Before you start training models, you should explore and visualize your data to gain insights about what makes it predictive, which will inform feature engineering and screen for potential issues.
If your data includes images or natural language text, take a look at a few samples (and their labels) directly.
If your data contains numerical features, it’s a good idea to plot the histogram of feature values to get a feel for the range of values taken and the frequency of different values.
If your data includes location information, plot it on a map. Do any clear patterns emerge?
Are some samples missing values for some features? If so, you will need to deal with this when you prepare the data (we will cover how to do this in the next section).
If your task is classification problem, print the number of instances of each class in your data. Are the classes roughly equally represented? If not, you will need to account for this imbalance.
Check for target leaking: the presence of features in your data that provide information about the targets and which may not be available in production. If you are training a model on medical records to predict whether someone will be treated for cancer in the future, and the records include the feature “this person has been diagnosed with cancer”, then your targets are artificially leaked into your data. Always ask yourself, is every feature in your data something that would be available in the same form in production?
6.1.4 Choose a measure of success
To control something, you need to be able to observe it. To achieve success on a project, your must first define what you mean by success. Accuracy? Precision and recall? Customer retention rate? Your metric for success will guilde all of the technical choices you make throughout the project. It should directly align with your higher-level goals, such as business success of your customer.
For balanced classification problems, where every class is equally likely, accuracy and the aread under a receiver operative characteristic (ROC) curve, abbreviated as ROC AUC, are common metrics. For class imbalanced problems, ranking problems or multilabel classification problems, you can use precision and recall, as well as weighted form of accuracy or ROC AUC. And it isn’t uncommon to have to define your own custom metric by which to measure success. To get a sense of diversity of machine learning success metrics and how they relate to different problem domains, it’s helpful to browse the data science competition websites on Kaggle (; they showcase a wide range of problems and evaluation metrics.
6.2 Develop a model
Once you know how you will measure your progress, you can get started with model development. Most tutorials and research projects assume that this is the only step - skipping problem definition and dataset collection, which are assumed already done, and skipping model deployment and maintenance, which are assumed to be handled by someone else. In fact, model development is only one step in machine learning workflow, and if you ask me, it’s not the most difficult one. The hardest things in machine learning are framing problems, annotating, and cleaning data. So cheer up - what comes next will be easy in comparison!
6.2.1 Prepare your data
As you’ve learned before, deep learning models typically don’t ingest raw data. Data preprocessing aims at making the raw data at hand more amenable to neural networks. This includes vectorization, normalization, handling missing values. Many preprocessing techniques are domain-specific (for example, specific to text data or image data); we will cover those in the following chapters as we encounter them in practical examples. For now, we will review the basics that are common to all data domains.
All inputs and targets in a neural network must typically be tensors of floating-point data (or in specific cases, tensors of integers or strings). Whatever data you need to process - sound, images, text, you must first turn into tensors, a step called data vectorization. For instance, in the two previous text-classification examples in chapter 4, we started with text representedas list of integers (standing for sequences of words), and we used one-hot encoding to turn them into tensor of float32
data. In the examples of classifying digits and predicting house prices, the data came in vectorized form, so we were able to skip this step.
In the MNIST digit-classification example from chapter 2, we started with image data encoded as integers in the 0-255 range, encoding grayscale values. Before we fed this data into our network, we had to cast it to float32
and divide by 255
so we’d end up with floating-point values in the 0-1 range. Similarly, when predicting house prices, we started with features that took a variety of ranges - some features had small floating-point values, and others had fairly large integer values. Before we fed this data into our network, we had to normalize each feature independently so that it had a standard deviation of 1 and a mean of 0.
In general, it isn’t safe to feed into a neural network data that takes relatively large values (for example, multi-digit integers, which are much larger than the initial values taken by the weights of a network) or data that is heterogeneous (for example, data where one feature is in the range 0-1 and another is in the range 100-200). Doing so can trigger large gradient updates that will prevent the network from converging. To make learning easier for your network, your data should have the following characteristics:
- Take small values: Typically, most values should be in the 0-1 range.
- Be homogeneous: All features should take values in roughly the same range.
Additionally, the following stricter normalization practice is common and can help although it isn’t always necessary (for example, we didn’t do this in the digit-classification example):
- Normalize each feature independently to have a mean of 0.
- Normalize each feature independently to have a standard deviation of 1.
This is easy to do with Numpy arrays:
x -= x.mean(axis=0) # Assuming x is a 2D data matrix of shape (samples, features)
x /= x.std(axis=0)
You may sometimes have missing values in your data. For instance, in the house-price example, the first feature (the column of index 0 in the data) was per capita crime rate. What if the feature wasn’t available for all sample? You’d then have missing values in the training or test data.
You could just discard the feature entirely, but you don’t necessarily have to.
If the feature is categorical, it’s safe to create a new categorythat means “the value is missing”. The model will automatically learn what this implies with respect to the targets.
If the feature is numerical, avoid inputting an arbitrary value like ”
”, because it may create a discontinuity in the latent space formed by your features, making it harder for a model trained on it to generalize. Instead, consider replacing the missing value with the average or median value for the feature in the dataset. You could also train a model to predict the feature in the dataset. You could also train a model to predict the feature value given the values of other features in the dataset.
Note that if you are expecting missing critical features in the test data, but the network was trained on data without missing values, the network would not have learned to ignore missing values. In this situation, you should artificially genenrate training samples with missing entries,: copy some training samples several times, and drop some of the categorical features that you expect are likely to be missing in the test data.
6.2.2 Choose an evaluation protocol
As you learned in the previous chapter, the purpose of a model is to achienve generalization, and every modeling decision you will make throughout the model development project will by guided by validation matrix that seek to measure generalization performance. The goal of your validation protocol is to accurately estimate what your success metric choice (such as accuracy) will be on actual production data. The reliability of that process is critical to building a useful model.
In chapter 5, we reviewed three common evaluation protocols:
- Maintaining a holdout validation set: This is the way to go when you have plenty of data.
- Doing K-fold cross-validation: This is the right choice when you have too few samples for holdout validation to be reliable.
- Doing iterated K-fold validation: This is for performing highly accurate model evaluation when little data is available.
Pick one of these. In most cases, the first will work well enough. As you learned, though, always be mindful of the representability of your validation set, and be careful not to have radundant samples between your training and validation sets.
6.2.3 Beat a baseline
As you start working on the model itself, your initial goal is to achieve statistical power, as you saw in chapter 5. That is to develop a small model that is capable of beating a simple baseline.
At this stage, these are the three most important things you should focus on:
Feature Engineering: Filter out uninformative features (feature selection) and use your knowledge of the problem to develop new features that are likely to be useful.
Selecting the correct architecture priors: What type of model architecture will you use? A densely connected network, a convnet, a recurrent neural network, a Transformer? Is deep learning even a good approach for the task, or should you use something else?
_Selecting a good-enough training configuration - What loss function should you use? What batch size and learning rate?
It’s often not possible to directly optimize for the metric that measures success on a problem. Sometimes, there is no easy way to turn a metric into a loss function; loss functions, after all, need to be computable given only a mini-batch of data (ideally, a loss function should be computable for as little as a single data point) and must be differentiable (otherwise, you can’t use backpropagation to train your network). For instance, the widely used classification metric ROU AUC can’t be directly optimized. Hence in classification tasks, it’s common to optimize for a proxy metric of ROC AUC, such as crossentropy. In general, you can hope that the lower the crossentropy gets, the higher the ROC AUC will be.
The following table can help you choose a last-layer activation and a loss function for a few common problem types:
Problem type | Last-layer activation | Loss function |
Binary classification | sigmoid | binary_crossentropy |
Multiclass, single-label classification | softmax | categorical_crossentropy |
Multiclass, multilabel classification | sigmoid | binary_crossentropy |
for most problems, there are existing teplates you can start from. You are not the first person to try to build a spam detector, a music recommendation engine, or an image classifier. Make sure you research prior art to identify the feature engineering technique and model architectures that are most likely to perform well on your task.
Note that it’s not always possible to achieve statistical power. If you can’t beat a simple baseline after trying multiple reasonable architectures, it may be that the answer to the question you are asking isn’t present in the input data. Remember that you are making two hypotheses:
- You hypothesize that your outputs can be predicted given your inputs.
- You hypothesize that the available data is sufficiently informative to learn the relationship between inputs and outputs.
It may well be that these hypotheses are false, in which case you must go back to the drawing board.
6.2.4 Scale up: Develop a model that overfits
Once you have obtained a model that has statistical power, the question becomes, is you model sufficiently powerful? Does it have enough layers and parameters to properly model the problem at hand? For instance, a logistic regression model has statistical power on MNIST but wouldn’t be sufficient to solve the problem well. Remember that the universal tension in machine learning is between optimization and generalization. The ideal model is one that stands right at the border between underfitting and overfitting, between undercapacity and overcapacity. To figure out where this border lies, you must first cross it.
To figure out how mig a model you will need, you must develop a model that overfits. This is fairly easy, as you learned in chapter 5:
- Add layers.
- Make the layers bigger.
- Train for more epochs.
Always monitor the training loss and validation loss, as well as the training and validation values for any metrics you care about. When you see that the model’s performance on the validtaion data begins to degrade, you have achieved overfitting.
6.2.5 Regularize and tune your model
Once you have achieved statistical power and you are able to overfit, you know you are on the right path. At this point, your goal becomes to maximize generalization performance.
This phase will take the most time: you will repeatedly modify your model, train it, evaluate it on your validation data (not the test data at this point), modify it again, and repeat, until the model is as good as it can get. Here are some things you should try:
- Try different architectures: Add or remove layers.
- Add dropout.
- If your model is small, add L1 or L2 regularization.
- Try different hyperparameters (such as the number of units per layer or the learning rate of the optimizer) to find the optimal configuration.
- Optionally, iterate on data curation or feature engineering: collect and annotate more data, develop better features, or remove features that don’t seem to be informative.
It’s possible to automate a large chunk of this work by using automated hyperparameter tuning software, such as KerasTuner. We will cover this in chapter 13.
Be mindful of the following: Every time you use feedback from your validation process to tune you model, you leak information about the validation process into the model. Repeated just a few times, this is innocuous; done systematically over many iterations, it will eventually cause your model to overfit to the validation process (even though no model is directly trained on any of the validation data). This make the evaluation process less reliable.
Once you’ve developed a satisfactory model configuration, you can train your final production model on all the available data (training and validation) and evaluate it one last time on the test set. If it turns out that performance on the test set is significantly worse than the performance measured on the validation data, this may mean that either that your validation procedure wasn’t reliable after all, or that you began overfitting to the validation data while tuning the parameters of the model. In this case, you may want to switch to a more reliable evaluation protocol (such as iterated K-fold validation).
6.3 Deploy the model
Your model has successfully cleared its final evaluation on the test set - it’s ready to be deployed and to begind its productive life.
6.3.1 Explain your work to stakeholders and set expectations
Success and customer trust are about consistently meeting or exceeding people’s expectations. THe actual system you deliver is only half of that picture; the other half is setting appropriate expectations before launch.
The expectations of non-specialists towards AI systems are often unrealistic. For example, they might expect that the system “understands” its task and is capable of exercising human-like common sense in the context of the task. To address this you should consider showing some examples of the failure mode of your model (for instance, show what incorrectly classified samples look like, especially for which the misclassification seems surprising).
They might also expect human-level performance, especially for processes that were previously handled by people. Most machine learning models, because they are (imperfectly) trained to approximate human-generated labels, do not nearly get there. You should clearly cover model performance expectations. Avoid using abstract statements like “This model has 98% accuracy” (which most people would meantally round up to 100%), and prefer talking, for instance, about false negative rates and false positive rates. You could say, “With these settings, the fraud detection model would have a 5% false negative rate and 2.5% false positive rate. Everyday, an average of 200 valid transactions would be flagged as fraudlent and sent for manual review, and an average of 14 fraudulent transactions would be missed. An average of 266 fradulent transactions would be correctly caught.” Clearly relate the models performance to business goals.
You should also make sure to discuss with stakeholders the choice of key launch parameters - for instance, the probability threshold at which a transaction should be flagged (different thresholds will produce different false negatives and false positives). Such decisions involve trade-offs that can only be handled with a deep understanding of the business context.
6.3.2 Ship an inference model
A machine learning project doesn’t end when you arrive at a Colab notebook that can save a trained model. You rarely put in production the exact same Python model object that you manipulated during training.
First, you may wan tto export your model to something other than Python:
Your production environment may not support Python at all - for instance, if it’s a mobile app or an embedded system.
If the rest of the app isn’t Python (it could be in Javascript, C++, etc.), the use of Python to serve a model may induce significant overhead.
Second, since your production model will only be used to output predictions (a phase called inference), rather than for training, you have room to perform various optimizations that can make the model faster and reduce memory footprint.
Let’s take a quick look at the different model deployment options you have available:
This is perhaps the common way to turn a model into a product: install TensorFlow on a server or cloud instance, and query the model’s predictions via a REST API. You could build your own serving app using something like Flask (or any other Python web development library), or use TensorFlow’s own library for shipping models as API, classed TensorFlow Serving( With TensorFlow Serving, you can deploy Keras model in minutes.
You should use this deployment setup when:
The application that will consume the model’s prediction will have reliable access to the internet. For instance, if your application is a mobile app, serving predictions from a remote API means that the application wouldn’t be usable in airplane model or in a low-connectivity environment.
The application does not have strict latency requirements: the request, inference, and answer round trip will typically take around 500 ms.
The input data sent for inference is not highly sensitive: the data will need to be available on the server in decrypted form, since it will need to be seen by the model (but note that you should use SSL encryption for the HTTP requests and responses).
For instance, the image search engine project, the music recommender system, the credit card fraud detection project, and the satellite imagery project are all good fits for serving via a REST API.
An important question when deploying a model as a REST API is whether you wan to host the code on your own, or whether you want to use a fully managed third party cloud service. For instance, Cloud AI Platform, a Google product, lets you simply upload your TensorFlow model to Google Cloud Storage (GCS), and it gives you an API endpoint to query it. It takes care of many practical details such as batching predictions, load balancing, and scaling.
Sometimes, you may need your model to live on the same device that runs the application that uses it - may be a smartphone, an embedded ARM CPU on a robot, or a microcontroller on a tiny device. You may have seen a camera capable of automatically detecting people and faces in the scense you pointed it at: that was probably a small deep learning model running directly on the camera.
You should use this setup when:
Your model has a strict latency constraints or needs to run in a low-connectivity environment. If you are building an immersive augmented reality application, querying a remote server is not a viable option.
Your model can be made sufficiently small that it can run under the memory and power constraints of the target device. You can use TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit to help with this(
Getting the highest possible accuracy isn’t mission critical for your task. There is always a trade-off between runtime efficiency and model accuracy, so memory and power constraints often require you to ship a model that isn’t quite as good as the best model you could run on a large GPU.
The input data is strictly sensitive and thus shouldn’t be decryptable on a remote server.
Our spam detecting model will need to run on the end user’s smartphone as a part of the chat app, because messages are end-to-end encrypted and thus cannot be read by a remotely hosted model. Likewise, the bad cookie detection model has a strict latency constraints and will need to run at the factory. Thankfully, in this case, we don’t have any power or space constraints, so we can actually run the model on a GPU.
To deploy a Keras model on a smartphone or embedded device, your go-to solution is TensorFlow Lite ( It is a framework for efficient on-device deep learning inference that runs on Android and iOS smartphones, as well as ARM64 based computersm Raspberry Pi, or certain microcontrollers. It includes a converter that can straightforwardly turn your Keras model into the TensorFlow Lite format.
Deep learning is oftern used in browser-based or desktop based Javascript applications. While it is usually possible to have the application query a remote model via a REST API, there can be key advantages in having the model run directly in the browser, on the user’s computer (utilizing GPU resources if they’re available).
Use this setup when:
You want to offload compute to the end user, which can dramatically reduce server costs.
The input data needs to stay on the end user’s computer or phone. For instance, in our spam detection project, the web version and the desktop version of the chat app (implemented as a cross-platform app written in Javascript) should use a locally run model.
Your application has strict latency constraints. While a model running on the end user’s laptop or smartphone is likely to be slower than running on a large GPU on your own server, you don’t have the extra 100 ms of network round trip.
You need you app to keep working without connectivity, after the model has been downloaded and cached.
You should only go with this model if your model is small enough that it wouldn’t hog the CPU, GPU, or RAM of your user’s laptop or smartphone. In addition, since the entire model will be downloaded to the user’s device, you should make sure that nothing about the model needs to stay confidential. Be mindful of the fact that, given a trained deep learning model, it is usually possible to recover some information about the training data: better not to make your trained model public if it was trained on sensitive data.
To deploy a model in JavaScript, the TensorFlow ecosystem includes TensorFlow.js(, a JavaScript library for deep learning that implements almost all of the Keras API (original developed under the working name WebKeras) as well as many lower-level TensorFlow APIs. You can easily import a saved Keras model into TensorFlow.js to query it as part of your browser-based JavaScript app or your desktop-based Electron app.
Optimizing your model for inference is especially important when deploying in an environment with strict contstraints on available power and memory (smartphones and embedded devices) or for applications with low latency requirements. You should always seek to optimize your model before importing into TensorFlow.js or exporting it to TensorFlow Lite.
There are two popular optimizatin techniques you can apply:
Weight pruning: Not every coefficient in a weight tensor contributes equally to the prdictions. It’s possible to considerably lower the number of parameters in the layers of your model by only keeping the most significant ones. This reduces the memory and compute footprint of your model, at a small cost in performance metrics. By deciding how much pruning you want to apply, you are in control of the trade-off between model size and accuracy.
Weight quantization: Deep learning models are trained with single-precision floating-point (
) weights. However, it’s possible to quantize weights to 8-bit signed numbers (int8
) to get an inference-only model that’s a quarter the size but remains near the accuracy of the original model.
The TensorFlow ecosystem includes a weight pruning and quantization toolkit called TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit ( that is deeply integrated with the Keras API.
6.3.3 Monitor the model
You’ve exported an inference model, you’ve integrated it into your application, and you’ve done a dry run on production data - the model behaved exactly as you expected. You’ve written unit tests as well as logging and status-monitoring code - perfect. Now it’s time to press the big red button and deploy to production.
Even this is not the end. Once you’ve developed a model, you need to keep monitoring its behavior, its performance on new data, its interaction with the rest of the application, and its eventual impact on business metrics.
Is user engagement in your online radio up or down after deploying the new music recommender system? Has the average ad click-through rate increased after switching to the new click-through-rate prediction model? Consider using randomized A/B testing to isolate the impact of the model itself from other changes: a subset of cases should go through the new model, while another control subset should stick to the old process. Once sufficiently many cases have been processed, the difference in outcomes between the two is likely attributable to the model.
If possible, do a regular manual audit of the model’s predictions on productin data. It’s generally possible to reuse the same infrastructure as for data annotation: send some fraction of the production data to be manually annotated, and compare the model’s predictions to the new annotations. For instance, you should definitely do this for the image search engine and the bad-cookie flagging system.
When manual edits are impossible, consider alternative evaluation avenues such as user surveys (for example, in the case of the spam and offensive content flagging system).
6.3.4 Maintain your model
Lastly, no model lasts forever. You’ve already learned about concept drift: over time, the characteristics of your production data will change, gradually degrading the performance and relevance of your model. The lifespan of your music recommender system will be counted in weeks. For the credit card fraud detection systems, it will be in days. A couple of years in the best case for the image search engine.
As soon as your model has launched, you should be getting ready to train the next generation that will replace it. As such,
Watch out for changes in the production data. Are new features becoming available? Should you expand or otherwise edit the label set?
Keep collecting and annotating data, and keep improving your annotation pipeline over time. In particular, you should pay special attention to collecting samples that seem to be difficult for your current model to classify - such samples are the most likely to help improve performance.
This concludes the universal workflow of machine learning - that’s a lot of things to keep in mind. It takes time and experience to become an expert, but don’t worry, you are already a lot wiser than you were a few chapters ago. You are now familiar with the big picture - the entire spectrum of what machine learning project entails. While most of the book will focus on model development, you are now aware that it’s only one part of the entire workflow. Always keep in mind the bigger picture!
When you take on a new machine learning project, first define the problem at hand:
- Understand the broader context of what you are setting out to do - what’s the end goal and what are the constraints?
- Collect and annotate a dataset; make sure you understand your data in depth.
- Choose how you will measure success for your problem - what metrics will you monitor on your validation data?
Once you understand the problem and you have an appropriate dataset, develop a model:
- Prepare your data.
- Pick your evaluation protocol: holdout validation? K-fold validation? Which portion of the data should you use for validation?
- Achieve statistical power: beat a simple baseline.
- Scale up: develop a model that can overfit.
- Regularize your model and tune its hyperparameters, based on performance on the validation data. A lot of machine learning research tends to focus only on this step, but keep the big picture in mind.
When you model is ready and yields good performance on the test data, it’s time for deployment:
- First, make sure you set appropriate expectations with stakeholders.
- Optimize a final model for inference, and ship a model to the deployment environment of choice - web server, mobile, browser, embedded device, etc.
- Monitor your model’s performance in production, and keep collecting data so you can develop the next generation of models.