This is a full example about how to deal with datetime in SQLite. In this example, the timestamp (created_at
column) is saved as unix epoch UTC timezone and converted to local timezone only when necessary.
Using unix epoch saves storage space - 4 bytes integer vs. 24 bytes string when stored as ISO8601 string, see datatypes. If 4 bytes is not enough that can be increased to 6 or 8 bytes.
Saving timestamp on UTC timezone makes it convenient to show a reasonable value on multiple timezones.
SQLite version is 3.8.6 that ships with Ubuntu LTS 14.04.
$ sqlite3 so.db
SQLite version 3.8.6 2014-08-15 11:46:33
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .headers on
create table if not exists example (
id integer primary key autoincrement
,data text not null unique
,created_at integer(4) not null default (strftime('%s','now'))
insert into example(data) values
,created_at as epoch
,datetime(created_at, 'unixepoch') as utc
,datetime(created_at, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as localtime
from example
order by id
id|data|epoch |utc |localtime
1 |foo |1412097842|2014-09-30 17:24:02|2014-09-30 20:24:02
2 |bar |1412097842|2014-09-30 17:24:02|2014-09-30 20:24:02
Localtime is correct as I’m located at UTC+2 DST at the moment of the query.
Example 2:
This alternative example stores the local time as Integer to save the 20 bytes. The work is done in the field default
, Update-trigger
, and View
. strftime
must use '%s'
(single-quotes) because "%s"
(double-quotes) otherwise you may get a ‘Not Constant’ error.
Create Table Demo (
idDemo Integer Not Null Primary Key AutoIncrement
,DemoValue Text Not Null Unique
,DatTimIns Integer(4) Not Null Default (strftime('%s', DateTime('Now', 'localtime'))) -- get Now/UTC, convert to local, convert to string/Unix Time, store as Integer(4)
,DatTimUpd Integer(4) Null
Create Trigger trgDemoUpd After Update On Demo Begin
Update Demo Set
DatTimUpd = strftime('%s', DateTime('Now', 'localtime')) -- same as DatTimIns
Where idDemo = new.idDemo;
Create View If Not Exists vewDemo As Select -- convert Unix-Times to DateTimes so not every single query needs to do so
,DateTime(DatTimIns, 'unixepoch') As DatTimIns -- convert Integer(4) (treating it as Unix-Time)
,DateTime(DatTimUpd, 'unixepoch') As DatTimUpd -- to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
From Demo;
Insert Into Demo (DemoValue) Values ('One'); -- activate the field Default
-- WAIT a few seconds --
Insert Into Demo (DemoValue) Values ('Two'); -- same thing but with
Insert Into Demo (DemoValue) Values ('Thr'); -- later time values
Update Demo Set DemoValue = DemoValue || ' Upd' Where idDemo = 1; -- activate the Update-trigger
Select * From Demo; -- display raw audit values
idDemo DemoValue DatTimIns DatTimUpd
------ --------- ---------- ----------
1 One Upd 1560024902 1560024944
2 Two 1560024944
3 Thr 1560024944
Select * From vewDemo; -- display automatic audit values
idDemo DemoValue DatTimIns DatTimUpd
------ --------- ------------------- -------------------
1 One Upd 2019-06-08 20:15:02 2019-06-08 20:15:44
2 Two 2019-06-08 20:15:44
3 Thr 2019-06-08 20:15:44